From Russia Without Love

Heracleum mantegazzianum commonly known as the Giant Hogweed is native to the Caucasus Region and one of the Victorians more dangerous imports. Ornamental it is not . Rather extremely dangerous due to it's sap which can and does cause very nasty burns .It grows to 20foot  and is a very difficult eradicate .I saw this in Cheshire ,one of numerous huge plants by the water side  as far as the eye could see. Some people are unaware of its dangers and confuse it with Cow Parsley .It requires a regular eradication programme but , as with so much , little seems to be done This was very close to the road in an area where children could easily play .A flower it is with monstrous power .
Thanks to Annie Biker Bear for hosting the challenge.Read the link to get facts and see images of the dangers .
The Giant Hogweed

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