Daunti's world

By daunti

Well hello ...

I miss my blip family!!!

It's been awhile, a really long while. I feel the desire to return. Sometimes you just need a sabbatical. It got to the point I was capturing a shot not to miss a day. To me that is not being creative. I feel fresh and new and ready to journal again so show me some love :). Last week I felt the need to walk a labyrinth, (something I like to do when I need insight from above) and received an angel card and my word was "play". So play I am doing and blip has always been a way of play for me. It always made me look for the next shot ... Be the voice behind the camera.

Long story short ... my father in law who lives alone lives next door to us. He is ninty years old and is in hospice care at the moment and has been for about three weeks. His wish is to die in his home. My husband has been his full time care giver which means we are in the season of needing to be close to home all the time. It's been rough at times, an emotional roller coast is a good way to explain it. My husband is an amazing man, I'm not sure I could do what he is doing. The best I can do in this situation is to be by his side and help where and how I can. I'm not a strong girl when it comes to these kind of situations. Receiving the play card made me think of blip again and felt it would be a healthy distraction so I'm back. Blip is something I can do while we are in this season. I also color, I walk, I sit, I meditate, I pray. A nice glass of red wine at times helps too :). I look forward to catching up with old friends and making some new friends.

Sorry for so many words, it's not my normal.

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