summer birthday

My real birthday is squashed up between Christmas and New Year, and while not overlooked exactly there is often not the time or energy to celebrate as I would like.  This one was a milestone birthday and it was difficult for far flung family and friends to be here in late December so I decided on a summer celebration instead. I must say it is much more fun! Time to plan properly and the warmth and the weather to do it outside. I may stick with the summer birthday in future !
Most of my favourite people were here and it was great day altogether, organic burgers, Pimm's, nice music and lovely people. (And presents!)
Extras - 1 is the fabulous tiramisu cake made for me by my youngest daughter, which I think has to be the nicest birthday cake I've ever had. 
And 2 - some of the family . 

And I include this because it means a lot to me to feel recognised by one of the few people who sees what I spend most of my time doing  : - 

A birthday poem for Caroline -

Planting seeds and pulling weeds
In weather wet or dry,
Gardening is Caroline's greatest joy.

You are an artist of the flowers,
Making fairy glens and shady bowers
From soggy fields where once the cattle grazed.
You have created a beauty that leaves us all amazed!

'Let them get on with it' she says
While talking to the flowers -
 'You'll like it here my dear' 
She whispers to a rose.
And whether they answer only Caroline knows.

Your family are your other flowers who you support in every way - 
What more can I say !
Have a magical 60th birthday !!!      love Ann 

And I did :)

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