
By thespotlightkid

Cathedral Baptistry, Padua

When I went hitch-hiking through Italy in the 70s I visited the Scrovegni Chapel in OPadua to see the wonderful frescoes painted by Giotto in 1305-7, and we went back today to have another look. As far as I recall there were just two other people in the chapel when I went then. Different experience this time: you have to bok in advance, get your timed ticket at a museum and wait in an acclimatisation airlock chamber for 15 minutes before you can go in. The frescoes are still incredible and have been excellently restored. Needless to say, no photography allowed.

I didn't visit the town itself that time, so it was a delightful revelation today - a lovely old town to wander round in. This baptistry was decorated in 1375-7 by Giusto de Menabuoi, in a similar style to Giotto's chapel.

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