Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

What lies ahead?

Strange day today, lots of accidents due to the fog. Ended up missing the interviews I should have been supporting at this morning as I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

Had some lunch in a lay-by on the A12 (not so unusual!!) and went to my last visit of the day. I spent an hour and 45 mins with this elderly couple, Direct Payments weren?t for them but spent the whole time talking about their past and all the things they have been through. The lady had advanced dementia but they had been together all of their lives and clearly care so much for each other. They could no longer get out and about but got by as they had each other. We chatted about the cats they have rescued over the years, holidays, retirement, highs and lows they had encountered.
It was a real insight, even when they were in such terrible situations things always seemed to turn out ok. It made me think about everything that lies ahead for me!

Hope everyone has had a good Christmas and New Year!

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