A different...

...wall for him to climb on the dog walk tonight. And a different Saturday for us, the first of the summer holidays so no golf lessons!

A bit of a longer lie then a bit more yoga, meditation and reading for me than my usual morning routine:-)

Some tidying then the wee fella and I finished reading his library book.

Wee fella, Mr R and I walked to town for a coffee. Then walked home. Then we went to the allotment via the charity shop as we forgot to lift the bag we had for there when we went for our coffee!

At the allotment we cleared the last of the tall weeds...we need to start planning how we are going to lay it out and work out if we can plant anything this late in the season.

Home some more tidying, dinner, ironing, dog walk and away to pick up my guitar now.

Quit a chilled but productive wee Saturday.

Grateful for the drop down in the gears that the summer holidays bring and a change to the routine.

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