
By tookie

Elliott...a light in many lives!

This is a tribute to an amazing "champion of the people" who we lost far to young. Elliott Pound Prather---1983-2012

My son met him in kindergarten and they both spent the next 12 years together in the school system's Spanish Immersion program, as well as a campfire group of boys, many fun activities like bowling, pillow fights, camping, overnights, and a long long friendship. After high school contact was more limited but out families were close for quite awhile and Elliott will forever remain a bright light and joy for us and all the lives he touched. Elliott was born with a congenital heart problem and not expected to live six months. But he was a fighter and lived as fully as he could, rarely letting his heart slow him down. We will dearly miss you are a sunny and bright shining sunflower to all of us!

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