
By Cigs

Eyre Place

We cycled into Canonmills; we chained the bikes up outside the restaurant we were meeting at later and ambled up the hill, getting some practice in for tomorrow's Photomarathon.

We paid homage at the CigsValleyoftheKings behind the Assembly Rooms, we bought some summer wear on Princes St, we then wandered back down Dundas Street, we met her and her daughter at the bus stop and headed for the restaurant; we met my parents and my brother and we set about the 3 course lunch; delicious it was. As always. 

And as the coffees came out, the kids ran off to the park to play, bored with old person chat. Swings and roundabouts, innit. And 15 minutes later they came back; Alex bursting with pride. He showed me a photo he'd taken on the phone - of  Cigs. On the gable end of the place we were in! (It borders onto a square of waste ground; fenced off and colonised by trees, elder, hawthorn, nettles, cow parsley. So I went with Alex to see his first proper Cigsfind. Back through the park, the long way around; to find a hole in the mesh fence, and then through the undergrowth. And right enough - there it was!

We took the shot; went back to find the bill had been paid (bonus!) and slowly cycled homewards in the sunshone. 

A near perfect start to a summer holiday together.

(Mono, mostly although the infill may be blue not black; no idea of date. The team will get on it on Monday. What with austerity and everything there's no funding these days for 24/7 coverage.Tch...)

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