The day after

Since yesterday's blip, we've had a bit of a hiccup - Elbows hurt his back a couple of weeks ago but it is weirdly fine one moment and agony the next.

We hit an agony moment last night, after the ceilidh which he hadn't even joined in with. It meant he couldn't get into the car to go home. So we spent an hour or 2 in the middle of the night in a dark carpark whilst we waited for the pain to subside. We failed to meet the time to pick up Cholmeley from friends so another guest went to collect him and keep him overnight.

We eventually set off in the small hours but it was pretty unpleasant as Elbows was suffering. We got to Worthing, the kids crawled into unmade beds and the night dragged on.

Today though, waking up to brilliant sunshine, and the prospects of lunch back in Eastbourne with the family and friends, made everything seem better.

It was wonderful in the sun in the Vicarage Garden with 50 or so others. I wanted to help clear up so we were the last to leave, but not until Phil, my brother, insisted on mending Dot.T's shoes.

A great weekend but poor Elbows is suffering. He even had to let me drive all day which is a rare concession. That probably hurts too.

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