
Back to work today after a lovely weekend, but it was a good day. 

The other day I had one of those 'ooops' conversations at work. We were all on our break and and I don't know how the conversation started or where it was going, but Amanda said something about panties. Oh Lordy, what a horrible word that is. It makes you cringe to the back of your eyeballs. Anyway, we ended up talking about it and someone said that they call them panties in Victoria's Secret shops. We were still talking and laughing about it when I called a donor to my health screening booth. After going through the questionnaire I always ask donors if they have any questions they want to ask me, but I just blurted out, "So, are there any secrets you want to tell me?" Ooops! It was a good job the lady had overheard my previous conversation and she couldn't stop laughing about it...phew. 

Right...I need to go and wash my trousers. I had to fill up the lorry this morning with fuel and somehow I splashed it on myself. I have smelt of diesel all day....not nice!!

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