Roll With It

By Falmike

Never Enough

Hours in the day that is.

Up ultra early and in work moving machinery in order to try and get a gallon into a pint pot, (no euro metric here) then onto a normal if somewhat hungry day.
Following my Weight Watchers meeting last night I'm a pound per week heavier than I was nine weeks ago.
Down town to the 'Shed' for coffee and a catch up with RB from the RNA in order to prepare my speech for Saturday's lunch with the 'great & good' of Falmouth.
Home for a low calorie salad and a quick conversation with my wife who announced that she had been "stud hunting" in Truro - the mind boggles then on to some child minding whilst the ladies look after their Brownies.

Today's photo, I am determined to enjoy the last of the good weather as summer draws to an end. It will soon be time to order the logs and put the clocks back.

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