
By phosgraphe


Last night on the way home with Jess, we decided to take an extra back road to my house so we could play in the snow a bit. It was a blast. We slide around on like, every hill on the way- driving up then sliding down to the bottom and back up again. Then on the last hill before home..... we, uh.. it didn't exactly go as planned. We started to drift sideways and despite all my efforts my front end eventually ended up in the just-deep-enough ditch.

After a few phone calls we got ahold of my dad, and he came to help out. Long story short, we couldn't use his truck due to the slipperiness of the hill so we had to use this pulley-like thing and attach it to a tree to yank the car out a bit to where I could maneuver and floor it down the hill.

As I said, it was a blast. Even the process of de-ditching.

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