Tenerife from La Gomera

Decided to go a little walk today to a viewpoint and then the airport.  All up hill of course, and boy are the hills steep here!  We spotted the view across to Tenerife 71 km away on the way up to the viewpoint so the snapping started then and it was very beautiful.  We were looking for a path which would cut the corner off the walk to the airport, but when we thought we found it, it was very stony and narrow and we thought it couldn't possibly be the way to the airport.  It was.  But we didn't use it.  We followed another path and then the road up and up and round until we finally reached the entrance to the airport.  Small.  Compact. Quiet.  The one flight a day arrives at about 5.30pm and leaves at 5.50pm so there weren't many people around!  We had a drink, a little look around and then decided to start our down hill trek.  As we were leaving the airport, Mount Teide was rearing up rather nicely out of the cloud and I knew that would have to be my Blip!  No faffing needed.  
We decided to return to our little apartment via the cemetery and the cliff path - the long way round but incredibly beautiful.  Well over 10,000 steps today and then 30 lengths in the pool this afternoon.  
This is one of the most relaxing places we have ever been to - we've booked to come again next year.

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