Dead & Alive

It was dry - well, not raining - when I went out with PD this morning and the breeze wasn't too bad, so I took out the macro lens.
It wasn't until I started getting in close to the bumble bee I saw the dead one. No idea if it was age, wet or cold.

After making sure Bags' bins were out and that the cats were okay PD and I had a wander round the wood. The honeysuckle was smelling wonderful.
When we were at the pond and I was trying to get close enough to get a shot of the wee snail without falling in I changed my plans and went with the rain drops. It was at that point that a bloke asked me  if I was looking for the heron. He didn't seem to understnd why I would be taking shots of raindrops and light on tree trunks ..... even after I showed him.
Maybe he would have preferred the rose bud (I don't think the wet rose would have been to his liking though).

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