Perfect white

This morning I couldn't wake myself up, slept really heavily and did not want to get up when the alarm went off!

Typically we had to be up earlier than usual as we were in Manchester for a lunchtime get together with ex work colleagues. I grabbed a quick 3/4 shots in thr garden before jumping in the car!

Prior to that, hub nipped to M&S whilst I went to Jessops (camera shop) with my poorly camera. Couldnt sort it for me so its had to be sent away to Nikon........2-8 weeks depending on how busy Nikon are, whether it needs parts from abroad, yaddah yaddah....!!! So no blipping for me for a few weeks, other than maybe the odd iphone or ipad shot :-/

I will try and carch up with all your journals as I have been a very bad blip buddy of late ;-))

Hope you like this little sweet pea..........and its goodnight from me, well for now anyhow xx

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