
By CharlotteJ

Tough day!

I have no blip so you get my FB status update instead!!

Mum on a ward and waiting for tests to be carried out. Possible hernia and exhaustion.

Hospital couldn't get dad into emergency care for love nor money and boy did they try. Considering mum was the patient last night they looked after dad extremely well and they did a make shift bed for him in A&E with mum. They even found a spot for him to wait with mum until I arrived. As we couldn't get him into emergency care, I made the decision that private residential care was the way forward and we found a place near to where they live. It's only temporary whilst mum gets better but it was incredibly hard leaving him today. The staff are lovely and I've since been told he's eaten all his dinner. When I left, I freely admit I cried (I'm not a crier!). I've found today tough as I was on my own and had to make sure mum was ok, dad settled, clothes and personal bits located from their home and find their cat and get her safe (now in Cattery) and carry out all the driving - about 415ish miles!!!


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