Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Meeting with BF tonight

Tonight I had an appointment with one of my best friends Angelique ... we had a lot to talk about and were in a cafe near my home. There was another table with 3 guys. Suddenly one of them turned his chair towards us.. and started talking to us. To me he asked do we know each other? I thought and told him I don't think so. He was a director of a school in my hometown (my friend was talking about one of the schools of one of her kids so maybe he heard something) and yes... he saw me as a very good mom to read for "his" children... ha ha ha.. I told him that I wasn't a mom. Oh? don't you have grandchildren than?? Wooohaaaa.. must say that he was quite drunk! No.. I don't have grandchildren either ... He: "what kind of THING are you than"?? A parrot mom.... ! He was too drunk to react on that one.. lol. Finally there is a guy who likes you... is it such a drunk weirdo ROFLOL!

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