Flower Power

Not exactly subtle is it? Never mind, it brightened me up :)

The drama of the day was arriving home and Dad saying he couldn't get the car to start and he had rung the AA and they said he didn't have membership. We've been members for around 20 years and Dad is on the membership so Ian spent ages on the phone with them trying to sort things out. And then when the AA man arrived he got it started but said the alternator was dead so we'd better drive it straight to a garage because it wouldn't start again once it stops.

So off we went to a garage in Cullompton we used last time - shut down! Next on to Willand (next village) and the two garage options there had closed down! So off we set on a major jaunt to Exeter where we have deposited the car on a garage forecourt and hope we can talk them in to sorting it out on Thursday. If they can't help we'll have to get them to get it going again and continue the garage hunt - who knew that would be so difficult. You never think about stalling normally, but when you know you may not start again, junctions are not your friend!

After all that there was just time to eat and get to bed - just as well I had my flower to brighten the day :)

Still haven't caught up on Blip - having one of those weeks. Will get there eventually.

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