
By grounded


So yesterday, I heard the news that a baby could be conceived from three parents. I have been puzzling over this, chatting on Facebook and listening to others' points of view. Both Christian and not. It would seem that by using laboratory techniques a baby could be 'produced' using the parents' egg and sperm and a further donor egg. Two embryos would be created but then parts of each used to ensure that the embryo created would be free from faulty mitochondria. The resulting child would contain genetic coding from three parents.

On one side of the argument, I imagine (not being a parent myself) that every parent hopes for a healthy baby to be born. But on the other side, what are we playing with here? Do we really know what the implications are? What of the two children that would have been born from the two embryos... instead just one?

Whether you believe that the advancement of medicine is down to human genius or a gift of God, I think that we have to be responsible for the decisions that need to be made. To progress this possibility, or reject? Where do we draw the line? I am still puzzled!

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