Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Days of passion

I am mostly glad that my toddler days are past, but I learnt something spending time with my nephew and neice.
I loved my brief visit to my sister and her family, joining in the cuddles, giggles and tears of life with young kids.
My sister is great mum, demonstrating the enormous patience required to get through each day with 2 littlies who constantly, passionately embrace or reject aspects of daily life.
When you are living in the trenches of parenthood, there isn't much reflection time to even consider celebrating that passion, but as a "survivor" of older kids, it was lovely to visit and see it all in action again.

After 20 years in Oz, I actually have picked up the lingo. Well, some at least! I asked this toddler for her gum boot and got a very blank look before remembering that they were wellies!

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