View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

My beloved Daisydog

Have been at home (Mum and Dad's) today as I had another laser eye surgery assessment. I am just waiting to hear that I am a good candidate. Having gone to a walk in shop style place Southampton and had a couple of tests (and felt uneasy about them), I went to the reference centre for such procedures - widely acknowledged as being the best place in the country for it - it should be given its price tag!!!!

The best bit about being at home was that I got a day with my Daisy dog - our beloved black lab who resides with my folks as she would otherwise be shut up all day on her own. Whilst we miss her loads, she does keep my Dad company and active as he takes her out twice a day - lucky things!!

I had a really difficult choice in choosing today's blip.... Too many nice ones to choose from..

Happy Tuesday everyone :-)

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