Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Touch screen?

Here is Euan watching a dvd on my laptop and trying to make it work by swiping at the screen!

Had a lazy morning after a night full of feeds. I think she must have been up about 4 times and I ended up co sleeping with her between 1and 5. Hopefully it will do her some good a the health visitor is coming tomorrow to follow up last weeks weight loss. I don't feel too tired today, probably since I slept through most of Rhonas feeds, all I did was get her latched on and promptly fell asleep again! Not a good idea I know but I was tired.

Today we went for a walk at the tyrebagger. We let Euan walk and chose the 2km route rather than the 1.25km. He managed extremely well, fighting daddy with sticks, throwing stones in the streams and finding the next route marker, only needing carried for the last few minutes. Rhona slept the whole way, wearing a lovely cosy red hat and matching booties. She has a matching poncho but was snuggled against me so I left it of today. I was going to use the picture of her all dressed in red but I can't be bothered getting my laptop out again to download todays pictures. Maybe next time.

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