'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Wait for us!

We are sharing the fields at home with a large number of older lambs at the moment.

Since looking after the foster lamb earlier this year, Jem and Millie are so much better behaved around sheep and lambs and now ignore them. This in turn has led to some hilarious moments such as today, when the sheep (lambs) decided that they wanted to join us on our stomp around the fields!

Millie (the Jack Russell) really doesn't know what to make of it when instead of her chasing sheep it is actually the sheep (or lambs in this case) running after her! She quickly hides behind me every time!

Three beautiful things:

The stillness of the high tide this evening - it was like a mirror at Kingsbridge Quay this evening.

A clear night revealing a sky full of stars!

Seeing and feeling the weight drop off!

One thing to be grateful for:
Kettlercise is only once a week!

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