The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB


To celebrate the half way point of our year of culture - and to thank the thousands of volunteers - we were treated to tea/coffee and many cakes at the City Hall. It had to be done in four shifts over two days, as there are so many of us.

As we left the City Hall - the light on the Maritime Museum opposite was beautiful!

When I left, many years ago, Hull was a bit of a sad and defeated place. In the last few years - and especially during this year - the city has improved so much in every way. Businesses have moved in, there are SO many events happening, people who've lived here all their lives are taking a fresh look at their city - there really IS a buzz around the place!

And better yet - everyone of the head honchos who addresses the various events for the volunteers, stresses that things are being put in place to carry on, and not stop at the end of the year - in fact they've made it very clear that the City of Culture events are to continue for the next three years (and beyond)

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