
By awelsh

Dunnottar Castle

Feeling rather accomplished today as I faced one of my fears. Well actually I say faced but a lot of the time I did just face the opposite way! The last time I was at Dunnottar Castle it was blowing a gale and I was absolutely terrified. The sight of people on the opposite side taking photos made me distinctly queasy.  I got as far as the steps down and thought nah this is far enough.  I don't know if it was the bright sunny day that made it all look better or thinking if I'm going to see all these Norwegian mountains I should really cope with a few cliffs but I decided I was going to follow the cliff path back down to the harbour at Stonehaven. I got on surprisingly well and was only really scared at one point where there was only the path (which was more than wide enough) and a bit of a drop at one side!  But I made it back in one piece feeling rather proud of myself, not so proud that I feel the need to do it again any time soon mind you!
Once at the harbour I had a great time chilling on a seat listening to impromptu tunes from people gathered for the Folk  Festival even if I did  miss out on the World Paper and Comb Championship!

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