Scenes From a County Fair

We had a nice day at the Oakland County Fair. It was the first day it was open, so many of the farm animals weren't there yet, but we still had fun.

We took a little girl with us from church. Merrick and Abby both had a good time, and they do get along quite well...but sometimes...instead of friends...they act like brother and sister. They both worry about who is going to be first on the tractor, first on the ride, and first down the slide. I had a little talk with Merrick about being a'll see. 

Always lots of color at the county fairs. The highlight of the day for me was seeing a 4 hour old baby calf. But, it was a very dark calf, and just wanted to rest after it's long I didn't get a very good picture. So cute, though.

I may go back over on Senior see if more farm animals show up.

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