the holibobbers are off! lucky things. it came up on my timeline that five years ago today we were all in portugal but now we're too skint, so daisy is off with the martins replacing louis who is working down in edinburgh for the summer. how time flies...

we always miss them when they're away, but two weeks without daisy will be weird. wee silent bob - we're all a bit freaked by her going away, beth too and especially peggy who didn't really know what to make of it. she'll have an ace time and was very excited this morning.

we mooched home after to do some work (I'm making four highland coos), watch tennis and beefy excitedly went off with peggy to buy himself a chainsaw to tackle all that wood that's now sitting in the garden. we finished clearing the shed and now it looks fantastically empty. for the first time since we moved in, it's ace. then tom came out and they went off to the shed to watch films.

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