
By dennismccoy79

Hiking haiku

Hiked from Loubressac
Twelve k on dusty tracks to
Padirac and back

We felt like a good workout today and the track from Loubressac to Gouffre de Padirac is stony and hilly, so it fitted our purpose well.  We only stopped in Padirac for long enough to take a few pics and then hiked the return 6k with the sun beginning to warm our backs.  

There was a celebration in the village last night, a birthday party to which some young folk were invited (I say a few, perhaps 20?).  We were aware of some laughter and noise, but we hear nothing once we are ensconced in the bedroom behind two foot thick walls that have another foot of internal insulation.  However, the folk who live opposite the party people (the party people are normally very quiet) obviously took umbrage and there was a bit of a shouting match this morning when their complaints were vigourously repelled.  Oh well, not my fight, but it was interesting watching the too-ing and fro-ing afterwards as allies of the offended began to muster their forces.  The retribution will come officially, methinks, through action from the Marie.

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