
By HellsBells

Rusty Lamp

So, I thought I'd get an early night as I was quite tired from being on call the night before.
I was rudely awakened at 23.20, by poor Charlotte all upset in a panic saying that there'd been an explosion in her face and she couldn't see, could I come and get her (this is between sobs).
I'm not sure if any of you have had this horrid experience of driving (10mins) to an 'incident' not knowing what to expect, it's not pleasant and I don't wish to repeat it in a hurry.
Anyway, there she was, wet towel in her face, crying (as expected). I had a quick look at her eye and face and was relieved to see a bit of swelling but no real major damage (but she still couldn't see). The paramedic lady said she wanted  Charlotte to be seen at the hospital, so I took her in my car. Meanwhile Patrick wasn't so fortunate, he'd taken the impact of the 'explosion', he went in the ambulance.
One of the BBQ attendees had been trying to keep the flame going with lighter fuel........................... and whoosh, bang up it went. Patricks face was on fire, luckily someone put the fire out using his coat then took Patrick upstairs and showered his neck and face in cold water as instructed by Megan.

Charlotte saw a doctor who examined her eye using a fluorescent lamp and dye, fortunately he didn't see any damage so off we went home to bed at 2am. Patrick will be going to the regional burns unit tomorrow for assessment, but we have seen him, and he's in good spirits.
Charlottes sight has returned and she's headed back to London tonight for more horse shenanigans this week!
I went to work as usual my 'nerves' are mending now, and Im hoping forward to a peaceful nights sleep I hope!
The rusty lamp has a controlled little flame in it!

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