What Are The Books Beside My Pillow?

As a Christian I am oblige to impart my knowledge in the bible especially to atheist or unbelievers. I grew up as a Christian but the conviction in becoming a serious Christian came late for me. Hence, I have to make up in studying His word. Since I have started to have a regular reading of the Bible it gives me an enthusiasm to read for more. Also, by reading the daily bread I taught to respond thru prayers what I've learnt from the Bible. Thanking Him for the wondrous of His Word and promises. By doing so I am establishing a two-way communicaton with God--- vinztaller

In Psalm 119: 24 says, "Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors."

"Let's develop a discipline of praying our response to the Word. It just might transform our devotional time. Bible reading and prayer should reflect a two-way communication." --- Dennis Fisher(source: Our Daily Bread)

" Listen to God's Word then pray about what you've heard" (source: Our Daily Bread)

For further reading: Psalm 119: 17-24

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