Lonely man, big boats and Fife light

It's been a lazy Sunday, except in the memories department. The poor weather militated against the idea of taking a walk, and when we did set off to walk down to Ocean Terminal it in fact became quickly clear that this was not a good idea, as I managed to acquire another big blister on (the other) foot yesterday. It's a good job the PT is on holiday, as I'm not sure how I'd cope with an hour's vigorous exercise tomorrow if she wasn't.

Anyway, we were lazy and took the car down to Ocean Terminal, mainly to collect some click and collect shopping, but also to enable us to point our cameras out of the car park in the direction of the various big boats. And there are many in Leith Docks at present.

But memories have been the thing today. I've made very good progress on the ripping project, finishing off all of my CDs and sorting out Mr A's, most of which have already been ripped. I now have a small pile of fewer than 20 still to do. But I gave up in the end, as I was encountering a few malfunctions in the system, such as not all of the tracks from a CD, which had clearly ripped, appearing in the catalogue. Bugger. Let's see tomorrow.

I've been reacquainting myself with our not inconsiderable catalogue of music and at one point I put on Oxygene. This provoked Mr A to muse at length on having been at one of the Destination Docklands concerts in 1988. In retrospect this is probably a culturally important event, marking part of the shift to the London that we know today from the one of the postwar era. Anyway, talking about this and listening to music stirred up the memory banks to quite a considerable extent. That's one reason why I'm very happy that we will have all of our music catalogue in one place and readily accessible with a simple touch within the next day or so. Then it will be on, or back, to the photographs. That's a quite different order of task....

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