Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

The Marketing Department

Almost three years ago we started to learn bellringing. The idea was that we would learn the rudiments of ringing while the bells were installed. A process that was to take around two years.

Our band was farmed out among five neighbouring towers. NM and I along with two others were assigned to the neighbouring village. The band there is very accomplished and have very high standards. We are fortunate to have such good teachers.

Since November last year we have been ringing and practicing in our own tower but we have also continued to attend their practices too. If they are short of ringers we go along to help. Some of their ringers help at our practices and on Sunday mornings. This means that they finish ringing at their own tower at 10am, jump into their cars, and start ringing at our tower at 10.15.

Some of their bells date from the 1700s and need to be replaced. Along with other work the bill will come to £175,000. We are doing what we can to help them raise the funds. Today this meant delivering a few hundred leaflets.

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