
By RosInAus

Nothing Flimsy About This Fern

There are lots of these in Queensland. They are a far cry from the delicate fern fronds found in wedding bouquets. This one lives in the garden of my rental house but they are also common wild in the state's sub-tropical rain forests.

Cyathea australis, or rough tree fern, grows up to 40 feet tall and up to 15 feet wide. The thing I like best about them is the way new leaves gradually uncurl from these ornate scrolls.

I had a rushed sort of day, trying to finish a book design while helping prepare food for grandaughter VIolet's 5th birthday tomorrow. I also unwittingly brought a hornet into the house amongst the dry washing which I finally got rid of, then just half an hour ago walked into the bedroom to find a big, black lively spider staring at me. I have a huge fear of spiders but being alone, I had to deal with it. Half a can of spray and a lot of adrenaline later, it is done, and so am I.

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