"Why hello there!"

Nipped up to the summit of Roc d'Orsay knowing I had only 20 minutes to catch the telecabine down again. There were two very pregnant female bouquetin way below me (see extra). I was skirting below the summit when I heard a loud pitched whistle. Two of last year's youngsters were looking down on me, so closely I couldn't get both in frame as I still had the telephoto lens on the camera. What a treat! A loud clap of thunder sent them bouncing off down the other side of the mountain (second extra) and I ran down to just catch the last telecabine, a very happy bunny.

Thanks for all the lovely comments etc. for yesterday's night storm, another is building up right now, perfect weather for watching Roger Federer so long as the signal does not break up! Well done to Andy Murray....

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