Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

View from the bed

Back blipping on Tuesday morning.

A long day yesterday, with an appointment with my orthopaedic surgeon in the morning, followed by 8hrs in the department.  I've had a few problems with the right, unreplaced knee, which made me wonder if I had some debris inside the knee.  An x-ray doesn't show any, and my consultant feels it is just that the arthritis is so bad, I will occasionally tweak it.  The consensus was that, provided it recovered within a few days, and provided it doesn't happen too often, it was better to soldier on for the moment.

After that, a brief stop over in my office with coffee and a sandwich, before 8hrs on the shop floor - by the end of which, my left ankle is visibly swollen, and I was k....ckered  So as soon as I'd had a bite to eat, I retired up to bed to get the feet up.

Quick blip this morning, before returning to the fray for another 4 hours.  I've just read the "sitrep" for the morning and there's a 6hr wait to be seen - so if you live in Norfolk, I suggest you delay your emergency for a few hours!

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