Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

....their are leaving again

I had the most lovely, funny, laughing, sentimental weekend... we had our 35th school reuniting anniversary and 18 of my class mates came to Munich for the weekend... When we left school in 1982 we were 28 - sadly 3 of my class mates passed away way too soon ... two of us are living in Munich so 5 didnt make it to the party... it was fun, it was like all other reunitings before.... we do it every 2-3 years and we still are so close to each other like we were at school times. Still these days teachers and directors do talk about us - that "once there was a class ....
I am looking forward meeting all mates in 2 years - then Hamburg will be our "party zone"

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