Not Laxative!!

Full on day of work today so no chance to do what it says in the Blip but I had a spare 20 minutes to kill in the garden centre between jobs. I was actually looking for a prop for Day 16 and knew they had what I wanted in there, then found these letters just as I walked in the door - love it when a plan comes together!! I also bought my second Christmas Present - go me!

Worked with Daughter Number 1 this afternoon which is always nice. Her official Social Work registration and Contract came through today so she's a happy bunny and cant wait to get going in October. 

Home late to an empty house as Mr W is in a squash tournament starting tonight so think Im going to be a Squash Widow for much of this week. Not gonna grumble though - I rarely get time to myself. TV is off, his lamp is off, there's no one talking and making me listen - its bliss!!!

July Challenge
1. Self Portrait
2. Busy
3. Best Part of your day
4. Fun
5. On the floor
6. Chair
7. Garden
8. Lunch
9. Big
10. Your favourite colour
11. Letter
12. Texture
13. Open
14. Building
15. Finger
16. Sign
17. Your addiction
18. Plate
19. Animal / Insect / Pet
20. Eyes
21. 9 o'clock
22. Upside down
23. Mirror
24. A stranger
25. Heart
26. Sunshine
27. On the road
28. Cup
29. Last thing you bought
30. Calm
31. Toothbrush

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