
By GrahamMcArthur

Forester's House

Got the good news from the camera Dr today. My Minolta srt101 is ready to come home! As good as new!
Still haven't made my mind up about which film to try first (its like getting a new camera). Although I have had this camera for 48 years, tomorrow I am going to be a little big kid with a new toy.

Can't wait.

Today's play was a little tricky with regards to light. It was changing every second or faster from dark to light. Plus the cloud that was around was not the sort of cloud I like, so I had mixed feelings. I thought the light deserved better cloud - I must put in some specific requests to the cloud gods.

I visited a new location for me. Mostly looking for possibilities and taking some text shots for a later return with some film. While the landscape was perhaps too busy for my liking it was none the less worth photographing.

I must confess to retaining 6 frames in colour. I have kept (at least for now) 6 colour and 7 b&w. I prefer the b&w as always, but some of the colour and light late today was amazing. A pity I couldn't make the most of the colour &  light.

I really need to get some ND filters for some slow shutter speed stuff.

Click here to see the 13 pics from today

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