Pretty Hair

2years 334days

Busy day! Lotsssss of fun though. Swimming lesson first thing. She really is ready to just be doing proper swimming lessons. She doesnt want to do the songs and things. She just wants to swim. Thankfully, its only 7more weeks until she starts her preschool classes. However, she did do some awesome swimming. Really good underwater swimming and much stronger now with her head out. Little water babe.

After swimming we met a friend we've not seen all summer. We had a lovely coffee and spent some time coming up with a potentially exciting plan for her birthday party, and for mummy potentially exciting business partnership opportunity - watch this space!

When we said goodbye to Sally we did some shopping and then headed for an afternoon with her bestie, Bobbobs. They played SOOO nicely together. They played in the playroom for a while, they had a fantastic time in the garden in the sand pit and slide, pushing each other on the car as they have since they were 9months old. They shared the ipad for a while, spent ages playing with her dolls house.

To end the day, Katie had her first proper haircut. She was not at all convinced when we sat in our (work from home hairdresser) neighbours house and we tried to get her to have it done. But with raisins, Monkey watching and snuggling Mummy, she soon had her little curls all tidyed up and looking very pretty. Then fell asleep on the sofa about half an hour later.

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