Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Happy Cake Day To Me!

Whee hoo, I love birthdays! Today's been fantastic; I got up super early so I could open my presents and I got so many awesome gifts it was ridiculous. Plenty of Marvel and DC Lego sets, books, trades, socks, tees...to name just a few things! On top of the gifts, Rich took me for lunch at TGI Friday's which was flippin' delicious.

As it rather handily turns out, this week is not just the week I turn 27, but also National Cupcake Week! Of course, I couldn't not celebrate my birthday with cupcakes once I found this out. This delightful butterscotch cupcake is from The Happy Cupcake Company, who have fuelled such events as My Wedding Weekend and That Time I Walked Passed Their Stall and Fancied a Cake... Yummers, and I have an Oreo cake to look forward to later :D

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