Body Art...

...of the temporary type. I actually quite like this though! Asha's rediscovered her transfers this afternoon.
This morning Danny & I had coffee at a little bar I'm meant to be photographing tomorrow was a bit of a recce really. Nice to sit and chat, we also met a lovely family who are here on holiday. Then later lovely to be joined by a few others we know.
And this afternoon, after Asha returned from Ethiopia ;-) we had her friend come for lunch and the afternoon. They played, painted nails, dressed up, went to the swings still dressed up, painted masterpieces, and generally had a great time. After all that fun we had to go out for an evening stroll to wind down.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Going through editing the photos of Cyd & Luci from yesterday...I kept hearing the laughter that was the soundtrack to their shoot! Ha! 
2) Asha & Teresa's easy friendship.
3) Wonderful Nate, what a delight he is.

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