Lala's Journal

By Lala

Terry the Tree

Terry the Tree's leaving lunch today. I felt quite sad. Terry started working at LC when Lady Baillie was still alive and owned the castle, in 1965. A forester who knows anything and everything about trees, he had an accident a while ago and split his collar bone. He didn't know that he had done it until he went to the hospital two days later. 'Didn't it hurt?' I asked, 'not as much as my face and neck, because I had also gone head first in a bed of stinging nettles'. The shoulder is still painful and he feels he can't do his job properly any more. Many previously retired friends also were invited, and while it was good to see them, it made me realise how many good and lovely people had already left!

The photo was taken as the sun started to show its face as I walked back over the causeway.

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