It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

The Dragon Takes Flight!

Dragons are suppose to fly right?
So Draco has spread her wings! Today was the day of my first flight and boy is it amazing. Drones have been given a bad rap by idiots who like to break the rules but there are those of us that love to use them for photography and show the world from a Dragon's eye view! This was taken on my second flight ever and it was about 9pm! The first time this morning was to get to grips with flying and do not touch camera...... which I did. This evening though I had to have a play with camera and video. This is only one of four shots taken. Obviously the quality isn't a patch on my camera but if you set them up correctly (and I've watched a lot of videos) you can get some pretty cool shots.
Ive spread my photography passion alot in the last few weeks so onward and upward I hope to go.

Draco Dragon 

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