
This is actually 131B (see yesterday). I failed to get a new bird challenge blip, despite the promise of 3 birds still on my to-blip list, namely shelduck, redshank and Brent goose, on the section of marsh we visited, but redshank was the only one of the three we saw and they were too far away to manage a decent shot. We saw lots of curlew and little egret, and more spoonbills, but my best moment of our walk was when I saw this pink-footed goose standing in the grass right in front of me. We had been talking to a nice old local birder who had told us quite a lot about birding in the area, and also mentioned that if you saw a solitary PFG, it would have lost its flock. I hope it managed to find some new friends, even if it had to take up with a nearby roost of greylags. Tomorrow is our last day, sadly. The forecast is for cloud and showers, but as most of our time here has been sunny, we really can't complain.

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