The Ice Cream Clown

I have had a FAB day!! It started early with us going out into the countryside to mum's dental hygienist. I was a little worried, but we left without having our teeth cleaned and with a whole bunch of rally obedience signs! Great!

For walkies we went to check if the small ice cream hut by the second canal was open. And it was!! But to my astonishment we didn't have any ice cream, we just went walkies by the canal. Mum said she needed a sandwich rather than ice cream, so we drove south a small castle with a sourdough bakery and café. We shared a smoked salmon sandwich and it was awesome!

In the afternooon we met my friend Stina and she and her mum had been on an outing too! To a waffle place we've never been! Mum?!

And with the help of my friend Heidi I managed to convince mum that I DID need ice cream today! Lickin' Liver! Thanks Heidi!

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