Reason to celebrate
The car went in for a service & MOT. Costs a fair penny, but was much less than the £565 we paid last year. The depressing part was that things that were supposed to have been done last year, & paid for, weren' t done.
The good news & the reason for celebration is that we received our passports today. Unfortunately, after the £5,000+ we had to pay to get here, we don't have money to use them. But wait for next year! Beer & chocolates in België, pilsener in Deutchland, wine in Bordeaux, olives in Italia, chorico in Portugal, paella in Espana, ....!
The Islay single malt whiskey I wanted to start the celebration with was a VERY BIG dissapointment - first smell was doctor's surgery. Tasted like something I've never experienced before & had no intention to ever have to taste again. We tried having it with milk, but it didn't help. I just smelt it again & it ís vile. I cannot identify the extra smell, which is also the taste, but is is very chemically & not good. There may be hint of the poison we used on the farm to control flies. Won't have any more. C says it smells like carpet shampoo & anti-flee treatment for dogs. Think that sums it up correctly.
What to do with the rest of the (full) bottle? Any suggestions?
Had Drop of Real Norfolk ale from Fox's brewery instead.
Going to have C's baked chicken with mushrooms, green peppers, & couscous & tomato salad out of the garden. (The salad didn't come out of the garden - the tomatoes did. I'll cut them up & drizzle something on them to change them into a salad.) To be enjoyed with Australian Shiraz Durif.
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