Goldfinch Surveys the Land of Plenty

So many mornings when I visit the Arboretum, I drive goldfinches ahead of me through the pollinator gardens. I spied this colorful fellow as he landed on a plant, and as he (quite charmingly!) sidled deftly down it, and then back up again.

His target was the tasty purple flowers at the end of the stem, and I watched as he ate them gleefully. This was one of my first shots of him, eyeing up the buffet of colorful and tasty snacks all around him. Definitely, he was in the land of plenty! Hmm, which pretty thing should he eat first?!?  :-)

The soundtrack: Leonard Cohen, The Land of Plenty, some of whose lyrics appear below:

Don't really know who sent me
To raise my voice and say:
May the lights in the Land of Plenty
Shine on the truth someday . . .

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