Birmingham Bears.

Not the cricket club but The Big Sleuth.

I don't think they are as good looking as the Big Hoot owls from a few years ago but still, it's a good treasure hunt collecting them all. Not that I will as I'm only in town occasionally.

In today's other big news, I've fully defected from Android!

After seven years of Android phones I've gone over to the dark side. I know the iPhone 8 is around the corner but the 7 will do me just fine. It's been the iPad Pro that's converted me, again my first iOS device after loyal Android tablet service.

Why iOS? It just seems to work better no more endless daily app updates, which is an Android curse plus, I hate to say it, it does look better.

What was the first Android device? It was an HTC Desire, go Google! So, today's picture is the last one to be taken on the now retired Nexus 6P.

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