
...if I look the other way she'll think I didn't see the mushrooms!!
Actually he didn't and I worked quite hard to keep it that way while I took some close ups of them!!

We (Toby and I) went to music practise this morning then sat in and had breakfast at Nero's and enjoyed a good chat to Marilyn and then two visiting ladies from Manchester. Then we went to the park for a run and met Naomi and Isaac and their dad. The kids played with Toby for a long time. Then we walked through the park and back through town getting home about 1pm. Pottered somewhat, walked out at Bolton Abby from the cricket pitch along the river and around the field after the stepping stones and back with Cathie. We discovered that Toby doesn't play in water! :/. Home, dinner and then went out to visit Marianne's new kitten at around 10pm! :)

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