The Portable Production Company

I've had a lovely sociable day. Val came for coffee and a chat, then Andrea phoned to say she'd be in the village today, so she came for lunch - I sliced some of our courgettes, made a Lemon, olive oil and mint dressing, and added some pine nuts, left over green beans and feta. It was really tasty. We had a good catch up as she has moved from the back of beyond into Morpeth from where there is good public transport to Newcastle. I could really see where she was coming from after driving home in the dark and rain tonight, having taken Chris to see my friend Lynn's opening night of her little company's first venture. They put on Steel Magnolias in Warkworth. They were all so professional, with wonderful Louisiana accents and great acting. The final act could have been awful, (the daughter dies and the mother tells the others about it) but they acted so well it wasn't cringe-making - typically it was not a good night for me to watch anything with dying daughters, as tomorrow Victoria would have been 46.

Lynn has the dark hair in the blip. It all takes place in a hair salon.

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